D'artié Vieena

Full name: D'artié Vieena
Age: 31
Namesday: 7th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Aura/Elezen
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Eyes: Light green
Height: 6'7
Profession: Adventurer
Interests: Fencing, treasure hunting, naval ships.D'artié is a friendly but somewhat smug fellow. In his own idea, he's an absolute romanticus, but breaks apart as soon as someone starts to flirt with him.
He likes to act like a leader, but can be a bit of a goof and clumsy. Aside from that, he's still a very capable person and a great treasure hunter.

D’artié Vieena, born to Flaurant Vieena and Altani Kha Vieena (originally from the Kha tribe), lived with his parents near Moraby Drydocks where his father worked as a ship designer. He spend a lot of his time there watching his father do his work. In his off time, Flaurant used to teach him his fencing techniques and would often spar with him.When D’artié was 17, he got his mind set on joining the Maelstrom to set sail on his father’s ships. He joined the ranks and started mostly cleaning the deck and doing all kinds of small jobs. In this time he made two good friends in the crew, Jiarlouix Gabond and Abarent Nedyrhanthsyn. D’artié developed a deeper relation with Jiarlouix that ended with them fooling around but never really ended up romantic, both believing that that it wouldn’t have been wise anyways when they’re both part of the same ship crew.Through his ambitious work, he quickly rose to higher ranks, quick enough to even make it to captain when he was only 21.
In the two years as a captain, he gained notoriety on the waters as a great and steadfast captain.At age 23, on a fateful night while out late on the waters, him and his crew noticed the skies turning burning red and the waters growing wild. The calamity had came upon Eorzea.
His ship broke apart and D’artié lost consciousness in the water.A passerby, Vhun'a Optal, found him washed up on the shores near of La Noscea as the only survivor of his crew.
The stranger brought him back to the Maelstrom, where he stayed in a state of shock for several weeks, slowly coming back to his senses.He got news that his mother was okay, but his father went missing.
D’artié stayed with his mother for a few months, staying by her side as emotional support and she as his.
One night, his mother let him in on a secret about his father. Flaurant worked with a group of other people to discover more about voidsent. She often tried to persuade him to quit, saying it’s better for their son, but Flaurant had always been a passionate man and a bit stubborn. She feared his disappearance may have had some connection to this and handed D’artié a diary of sorts that Flaurant wrote about voidsent.
After these few months, D’artié went on his way again, deciding to go adventuring and learning more about the world and voidsent with hope of possibly finding his father again.
During his travels, he would often stop to read his father’s diary and search local library’s for other information about voidsent.

Finding father
A year later, while staying in camp Dragonhead for a while, he overheard rumors about a strange figure inside the Dzemael Darkhold. Knowing about the voidsent activity in the Darkhold, D’artié went to investigate. Inside, he found recent traces of what appeared to be a person. Following those traces inside the depths of the darkhold, the air felt denser and denser.In a far of cavern he found a figure standing in the dark, eerily lit by a crystal. Upon slowly coming closer, he realised he knew those clothes. He quickened his pace, only to stop dead in his tracks.The figure slowly turned around, revealing it to, indeed, be his father Flaurant but looking like he was on the brink of death. Flaurant told him in a very slow and pained voice that during his last trip to find out more about voidsent, he got careless and a strong voidsent took over his body and most of his mind. The voidsent tried using him to summon more voidsent, but Flaurant had been able to obstruct the plan for the longest time.While explaining it, he slowly pulled his sword. He explained that the voidsent had kept him alive all this time and that his last bit of energy is as good as gone, leaving him almost unable to obstruct the voidsent any further. There was only one way left to stop it and that was to kill the voidsent, which would also result in Flaurant’s death.
Before D’artié could say anything, Flaurant dashed his way holding his sword out, controlled by the voidsent.A battle ensued, D’artié trying to hold his father’s attacks back and the voidsent using Flaurant’s body attacking like a madman.
D’artié tried to ask his father for different ways to fix this throughout the fight, but Flaurant told him that this was the only way.With pain in his heart, he finally took the plunge and stabbed his sword right his father’s body.
Impaled on his sword, his father gave him one last hug, telling him he had always been proud of him, thanking him and telling him he’s sorry.After the battle, he took his father’s body and sword back to his old home to give him a final goodbye and a good resting place.
After staying with his mother for a month, he once again went on his way, this time with the sword his father carried.
The Vieena family tree

D'artié with his old friends, Velnene Velne and Abarent Nedyrhanthsyn